
Four Things You Need To Think About Before You Relocate

Ever feel like you are a little bored with your local area? You’re not alone. For every person who is attached to the place they grew up in and wants to stay there forever, there is another person who just can’t help but move around. Many of us rely on new experiences to keep our lives interesting and in many cases, that can often mean relocating. You might be sick of a certain climate and want to move overseas to somewhere either hotter or cooler. Or, perhaps, you want to move from the country to the city in search of a more vibrant job market. Whatever your scenario, whether to relocate or not is one of the biggest decisions you’ll probably make in your whole life. Follow this mental checklist to see if it is right for you.


Do you have kids?

If you have your own family, it is important to consider everyone in this move, not just yourself. If your children are still babies or haven’t started school yet, the move is unlikely to impede on either their wellbeing or their education. But, if they are a bit older, you need to think about the impact it could have on them. Children are very impressionable between the ages of four and ten and taking them away from friends and family could prove traumatic. Be sure to communicate the prospect of a move to your children right from the start to understand their reaction to it.

How far away are you willing to be from your family?

You may have found your dream town or city. Problem is, it’s 400 miles away from where your family currently live. Of course, there is the advantage of it being easier than ever to stay in touch these days, thanks to technology such as FaceTime and Skype. But, nothing quite compares to spending time with your family in person. Consider this distance and how willing you are going to be to make the effort to go back home to see people. If you have elderly relatives who won’t be able to make the journey down to you, it will rest on your shoulders to bring the family together, so this will have to be a factor in your relocation.


What will you do with the house?

Assuming the property you currently live in is yours in your own right, you will need to work out what to do with it prior to your move. If you want to keep it for inheritance – say for your children – consider doing a buy to let. Speak to a property expert about whether there is any way you can let out your property to tenants whilst you live elsewhere. Or, if you just want to sell home fast, contact a local property buyer. This is especially ideal if you don’t have the time or money to refurbish your home like you would need to with an estate agent.

How is the move itself going to happen?

Moving house isn’t easy, let alone moving counties or moving abroad. Be aware you will need to take a bit of time off work in order to orchestrate everything, so put some money away prior to see you through. Rental vans or professional movers will also incur a cost, so be prepared to part with some money over the moving days.

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