
How to Plan a Bathroom Renovation Project

Ready to remodel your bathroom? Renovating a bathroom is a wonderful way to beautify your home and also increase its value. However, remodeling a bathroom can come with a lot of stress if you’re not careful. 

You need to make sure that you have a solid plan in place for getting the project done quickly and affordably. If you’re not exactly sure where to start then you will probably need a guide. Having a guide will help you to make the right decisions at the right time so that your project will be a success. 

Here’s a look at exactly what you need to know to have a successful remodeling project.

Consider a Floor Plan

The floor plan of a bathroom is not something that many people think about changing. This is because it can be very expensive to do. You may need to move the sink or even the toilet it can be very costly. 

However, if you are able to switch things up, getting a new floor plan is often a game-changer. This is especially true if the current bathroom design is cumbersome and it does not facilitate easy access to every area of the bathroom. 

If you have the money and deem it necessary then you should sit down and create a floor plan with a contractor. You can come up with something yourself but always make sure that your contractor is okay with the new layout.

Get the Necessary Permits

There are some places where you cannot do home renovations such as remodeling a bathroom without first getting a permit. You need to make sure that you understand the building codes that are put in place in your state and community. 

You need to find out what kind of permits are necessary before you start planning your renovation. If you plan to do electrical and plumbing work, during your remodeling then you are probably going to need to abide by building codes. 

Find out about these codes as quickly as you can, the last thing you want to do is run amok of the law.

Decide What to Replace

Depending on the magnitude of your project you may need to replace the bathtub, sink, or even the toilet. You may also want to upgrade the flooring in your bathroom as well. 

You need to decide on the style of sink and bathtub you would like. Take a trip to a hardware store and look at the possibilities. 

Decide on the overall look that you want your bathroom to have. Take your time when making these decisions because the overall look and style of the finished bathroom is dependent on the look of the sink and bathtub, so choose wisely.

If you have decided that you want to add a shower as well, you also need to plan the style of the shower. If you want to go with a shower enclosure, then you need to also take a look at the type of shower enclosures available at the hardware store.

Make sure that the bathtub and sink are a good fit for the style of the enclosure because when there is uniformity everything will look great.

Plumbing and Electrical

As mentioned before if you decide to change plumbing and electrical structures you are probably going to need a building permit. With that being said, you need to decide on the types of bathroom and electrical fixtures that you’re going to need. 

Maybe you do not want to have the same styles of switches or plugs that you had before. You may also decide to change the style of taps that you want in the bathtub, sink, and shower as well. These little touches can go a long way in increasing the aesthetics of the bathroom. 

Towel hangers and toilet paper holder styles are something you also need to consider. You should go to websites like Pinterest and Instagram to get ideas for these smaller details of your bathroom.

Choose Bathroom Colors

Another important step that you will need to take is deciding on the color you want to paint the bathrooms. The colors you choose should complement other things that will be in your bathroom. 

For example, if you ever decide to put artwork in your bathroom you may want to buy these ahead of choosing the colors for your bathroom. This is because you can use these as a guide to decide which colors you should paint the walls. 

You can also use the colors of bamboo towels, floor mats, and shower curtains that you will use in the bathroom to decide on the color of your walls. Using these as a guide will help bring uniformity to the color scheme in your bathroom.

Fans and Windows

It is going to be necessary for your bathroom to have an exhaust fan or a window. This is usually required by law in some places. 

It also makes sense to have good ventilation in this often-used room. Decide on the type of fan that would be best if you don’t have a window available. 

If you do have a window in your bathroom, as part of your renovation you should expand or change it altogether. Changing your window in your bathroom can significantly add to the aesthetics of the room, especially if the old one is looking less than its best.

Start Your Project

A bathroom renovation project is a big deal as it can make your home more appealing. Since you will probably be spending a lot of money, you want to make sure that you get it right. The best way to get it right is to have a guide as to what you should do so you can have some idea of the possibilities for your remodeling project.

Use the ideas presented here to decide what would be good for your bathroom and your budget. Always ensure that you create a budget before you start a remodeling project. This will help you to get a better idea of what you can and cannot do for your remodeling project.

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