
Things To Consider As Your Parents Get Older

As we all get older, there comes a point when we need to think about our parents and how we look after them. This can be a tough conversation to have with them as you might need to make decisions about how they will spend their final years. Here are some things to consider when it comes to our parents getting older.

Who is in charge?

If you have brothers and sisters, there is a chance that they will all have an opinion on what should happen to your parents as they age. Of course, there will be one sibling who should be put in charge because they are responsible, and there is one that shouldn’t. This is something that needs to be decided between the siblings before decisions need to be made as it will make it easier. Your parents might have an opinion on who they would like left in charge and making the decisions for them. Try not to take it personally if it isn’t you but remember that you still have a say in how they are treated. Being left in charge is a lot of responsibility and you could be placed as Power of Attorney over their finances. This means that you need to ensure that their bills are paid and they have money to live on.

Where will they live?

Your parents might have discussed where they would like to spend their final days or the end of their lives. This is important to consider because it is their life. If they would like to stay at home with some live-in care to help them cope, then this is what you should do. However, if they have cognitive issues and need something more secure, this will have to be discussed with the family and the doctor. There is a wide range of options that are available but you need to ensure that they are in one that they will feel comfortable in. Whatever you do, don’t put them somewhere that they hate as this will cause them a lot of stress and worry.

Is everything ready?

This is the sad part of the discussion but a lot of people don’t have a plan in place for when they die. This can be a tough conversation to have with your parents but you need to make sure that they have a will and their paperwork in order. If they don’t, you should get them to a lawyer and get one sorted as soon as possible. A will is important as it will hold all of the information around their death and possessions. The last thing anyone needs is for there to be a fight over the china teapot collection. You will also need to ensure that they have insurance and plans in place for their funeral. If they don’t, you will have to guess what they would have liked and have to find the money to pay for all of it. Funerals are not cheap and they need to be paid for.

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