
Meal Planning Monday 15/07/19

Last weeks meal plan went well too, I think we pretty much stuck to the exact meals which was good going.

The weekend was a huge success for my Mum’s 65th Birthday surprise gathering.  She didn’t guess a thing.  My dad took her out for lunch and then arrived back and we were all waiting for her in the garden and she did get a little teary.

Monday’s now are my working from home days so I’m hoping to be more productive and innovative with meals and try making things in the slow cooker too, so any recipes feel free to pass my way.

Have a great week!

Sausage pasta bake

Homemade chicken fajitas & chips

Pan fried pork with apple & onion salsa and homemade wedges

Baked chicken & cheese wrapped in bacon with homemade chips

Omelette and salad

Balti curry with boiled rice

Sunday roast and all the trimmings

What are your meals for this week?

6 thoughts on “Meal Planning Monday 15/07/19

  1. Your mum’s surprise reminds me of the 50th birthday surprise we had for a friend in Connecticut on Sunday. She screamed so hard, her voice isn’t fully back yet!
    Great sounding meal plans and I really hope things go well with your plans to stick to it.

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