
Meal Planning Monday 26/07/21

Freddie finished at his pre school last Wednesday and won’t be returning to that school as he starts his new one in September nearer to home, he was quite emotional and so were we as I know the teachers that taught him from when my Mum worked there so it’s been so lovely.

I don’t know where the last 12 months have gone especially with what’s gone on. We are excited for new adventures to come.

I had my 2nd Covid vaccine last Thursday so was pleased about getting that finally done, no side effects except a sore achy arm.

Sunday we are off to Suffolk for the week with all of Tom’s family and to celebrate our nephews 1st birthday so there won’t be a meal plan.

Click here for previous meal plan

Gousto: Crispy chicken wraps & chilli mayo

Chicken & bacon risotto

Homemade toad in the hole

Shepherds Pie



Travelling to Suffolk

Have a great week all!

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