
Creating The Perfect Home

We all dream of creating the perfect home for ourselves and our families, sometimes we might get lost in daily routines and forget to care for the home we have created. We have come up with some ways you can bring life back into your home.


The most obvious way to bring back life into your home is to redecorate it. If budget is low you can start off small, such as repainting or planting a few flowers in your garden. For bigger projects think about renovating your kitchen or bathroom. They are the main rooms in the house so why not make them look great. Invest in some new appliances and bring some life back into the living areas. 

Change up your decor

Changing up your decor is a subtle but effective change in your home. Think about switching the colours up between seasons, for spring and summer add some yellows, pinks and greens into your decor and for autumn and winter think oranges, blues and browns. Swapping over cushions, throws, bedding or table settings can keep you home looking fresh. 

Complete odd jobs

You probably have a list as long as your arm on odd jobs that need doing around the home, don’t we all. Set a day or week aside to tackle all the odd jobs, you will feel a sense of achievement and relaxed knowing your home has been taken care of. If you are a little too busy or don’t have the skillset, consider hiring a handyman to do the work for you.

Get the family together

Gather up the family for games night, movie night or whatever your heart desires. Create memories in the home you love. Set aside one night a week or month to really sit down with each other and have fun. Ditch the phones and connect with your loved ones.

Have a deep clean

Cleaning and decluttering is good for the mind and makes your home look better. Take a Marie Kondo response and get rid of anything that doesn’t bring you joy. You might find that you have kept a load of unnecessary stuff along the years. It is also a good way to take a trip down memory lane.

If you are feeling ambitious

If you are up for the challenge and have some money set aside, you could explore the option of building your own home. This way you can put a personal touch on the home you live in. Bellriver Homes is a great company to help give your inspiration.

Get gardening

Tidy up your hedges and plant some pretty flowers to make your garden look great. Add in some fairy lights or solar lights along the path leading to your front door.

We hope a few of these tips will contribute to you creating the perfect home, remember your version of perfect is different from others. Check out Pinterest and Instagram for ideas making your home look great. While you are here check out Encouraging A Love Of Music in Children.

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