
Rain, Rain, & more Rain, Suits & Baby’s Heartbeat #LittleLoves

I can’t believe we are already at the end of the first month and into the start of the second one of 2017, It is scary how quick January flew by, but then again I’m not surprised and glad to see the back of it with what has gone on throughout it. Just hope that February will be a better month.


Not a lot really, other than process notes for new clients and systems I have taken on at work, I haven’t really read much. I am hoping to change that with the coming weeks.


I had my 16 week pregnancy check up with my midwife from the doctors to make sure everything was ok. To think I am 18 weeks now is madness, nearly halfway through my pregnancy. The midwife checked my blood pressure, took a Urine Sample and had a feel and listen to baby’s heartbeat. Baby was very active and kept moving away and wriggling so was difficult to listen properly but we got to hear it and it was incredible, so magical and can’t wait to hear it again hopefully at my 20 week scan and checkup.


My favourite TV series is back on the screen…SUITS, I wrote about it a little bit last year in some of these posts as well, but I can’t explain how happy I am to have this back on the TV to watch every Sunday evening.


The same 4 dresses over again every day for the week 🙁 because I don’t have any other decent clothes that fit me with my ever expanding pregnancy tummy.  I will certainly have to take a trip to the shops and get some new maternity clothes.  


Not a lot really, we have been quite lazy with dinners and lunches. I did make breakfast though last Sunday. Scrambled Egg on toast, Bacon & Smoked salmon – was delicious and certainly made a change from just boring toast or cereals. It is so quick and semi-healthy too.

Scrambled Egg on toast, Bacon & Smoked salmon

How has your week been?

Little Loves Coffee Work Sleep Repeat

3 thoughts on “Rain, Rain, & more Rain, Suits & Baby’s Heartbeat #LittleLoves

  1. Aww I loved hearing my two’s heartbeats, such a wonderful sound. Definitely sounds like you need to treat yourself to a maternity wardrobe – perfect excuse for a little shopping spree. Hope you have a great weekend x

  2. The heartbeat is the most amazing sound ever! It’s truly magical. I remember only being able to wear a few things in my wardrobe on rotation when I was pregnant. hahaha Hope you had a great weekend. #littleloves

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